
Play till the end, and never resign

ChessStrategyOver the boardTournament
Just do not resign! your opponent can make a mistake at any point of the game!

If you never resign in a losing position, you can save some rating points, anywhere you are playing. Because the thing is you are not the only one who makes mistakes, everyone in the world makes mistakes. (If you do not make mistakes, you are not even human.) What I mean is your opponent can also make mistakes and you might end in a drawn position or maybe even a winning position.

Here are some tips I can give you to try to not be losing: 1.Try to keep complication on the board. Because when the board is complicated, it can confuse your opponent and they can make a really bad blunder. 2.If your opponent has sacrificed material in order to create an attack, and they succeed, it is okay to give some material back because then it would be a even game and the attack would be gone. 3.Just do not panic. because when you panic, You can easily make a series of mistakes and be in a completely lost position. So do not panic and play calm. 4.Try to make massive exchanges in hard positions because it would make it easier for you to play. Those are some examples that you should use in your games.

Anyway, hope you like this blog and if you do, make sure to share it with your friends! Also, I hope you learned what to do when you are losing! make sure to do those strategies in your games! See ya!