NM L-M2024 Lichess coach picture


Chess is life!

Location United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 223829002616
Hourly rateFlexible
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am a National Master from California, United States. My current FIDE rating is 2238, and my USCF rating is 2349.
You can contact me via email -

Playing experience

My latest achievement was taking 3rd place in US Open 2022 with a score of 7/9 without losing (5 wins, 4 draws). Even though I am not playing tournaments often, I have some great results which you can see below. The notable achievements are:

3rd place in Los Angeles Open 2021,

3rd place in Pacific Coast Open 2021,

2nd place in Los Angeles Open 2019.

Teaching experience

Mostly I work with every kind of student including anyone from 800-2400 ratings.

Other experiences

I offer coaching sessions which include: playing online training games, studying and improving in opening/middlegame/endgame, analyzing games, and so on.

Best skills

I really love to study endgame positions and this is a field where I find myself very experienced and strong.

Teaching methodology

I am very friendly with my students and always tell them to work hard in case to be successful in chess.