
Crazyhouse vs. CPU (Sjeng/Deepbug)

I'm formally suggesting a vs. CPU mode for crazyhouse chess. I've played against these two engines (Sjeng/Deepbug) in a rudimentary program made specifically for them called 'Zhouse Challenger' and they work fantastically! But the software is not very good and would be much better played on Lichess.
I heard those programs are still quite bad at playing the game, but really cool as matefinders. Perhaps they can be added as analysis engines to specifically indicate forced mates. There are already computer analyses available for the Three-check and King of the Hill variants, so perhaps crazyhouse analysis will be possible as well...?
Yeah, you're probably right - I don't know anything about them. A moment ago I imagined those engines could also be used to generate spiffy crazyhouse forced mate exercises, similar to the normal training ones. The same for KotH and Atomic engines.

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