
IM Sparklehorse

Why was making this thread a bad idea? I am not happy with the clear misrepresentation of myself in streaming circles, So once again I will ask, what exactly did I do, I will say I remember making some harmless joke about offering a draw.... again I could be wrong I have been wrong before ans i'm sure i'll be wrong again
somebody when lose they will become mad because they never want to lose by time.... also they win from many players by time... it was good for him to lose and understand somethings
He's recording a show with live commentary! The "If you don't want to get flagged, don't play blitz" doesn't work! What are you winning by flagging him? Nobody wants to see that. It's rude.
Clearly if you're gonna argue the flagging part frankly you are an idiot, no two ways about it.
@ #43 Nobody wants to see some dumb competitive chess game, bring the monster trucks, WWE, give me burger, bikini babes and fireworks. Because that is a good show and that's important.

Q: What are you winning by flagging him?
A: The game, fair and square.
I don't like getting flagged in winning positions. I agree that it defies the point of playing chess if you just shuffle your pieces to win on time.That's why I play blitz with an increment. Problem solved. I don't understand why people don't just use an increment.

Incidentally, Sparklehorse flags people too. Someone's just angry that they lost.
BTW I do apologize to IM Sparklehorse for any discomfort I may have caused him. We are both just chess players with different opinions how online blitz should be played..... He is a very strong player and a 100% a decent guy and I highly encourage anyone to follow him on twitch.
He expressed to me that he over reacted and I feel as thought I've done so as well.

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