
Simple Feature Request

Whenever I play a game, my mentality and style is influenced by the name and/or rating of the opponent. I would like to change this by adding the ability to hide the name and rating of the opponent until the game is finished.

So, when a game starts, you don't see a name or rating. But when the game finishes, the name and rating appear.

I don't think this would be a difficult feature to create. What do you think?
I sorta like the idea also. For rated games that would be kinda cool. Im about 50% that i really want this feature and about %50 it does not effect me. Maybe my performance would increase against weaker players if this was implemented. I have a strange case where people lower rated than me I tend to subconsciously not try as hard and often I play randomly aggressive and let my guard down.
Install something like Stylish and hide the HTML elements yourself
> I don't know jack about coding

Seems like a very lazy way to not accept a solution that involves no coding at all.
> I don't know jack about coding

In other words, this isn't a simple feature request at all, because you have near no ability to make it happen even when the tool is there.

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