
Why is this a losing position for white ?

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imagine white walks the pawns to g6 and h7, places its king on h8, with black king on f8 the bishop can checkmate on the diagonal. Just one possible checkmate. So if one's possible, black wins.
@Sarg0n You are really good at finding the helpmates for these forum posts. Do you make puzzles?
Think fantasy is important. But first egg (fantasy) or first chicken (playing strength)?
Sure, if he can premove it all the way to checkmate with 1.2 seconds left. If he just spends the 1.2 seconds deciding between Kd3 and Ke3 (both win equally fast), black wins on time.
What I wanted to point out is: try to improve your fantasy, problem chess is fun and has some benefits:

Just for fun, remember my mate in 2. Hope you like it. I wrote:

„Well, besides other hobbies I play chess and to a lesser extent I solve chess problems. "Composing" plays rarely a role, sometimes I compose some helpmates for the rule corner. ;-)

So, there is no real contesting of Healey's clearance but here's a composed problem of mine, #2, to the same topic. Hope you like it!“

White to move, mate in 2:

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