
Powerful gambit

I was trying to go for a urosov gambit playing white.. This is a pretty heavy attack from the opening. Now granted he's a little higher rated than I but not by much.. I'm sure a stronger rated player 16+ Could of defended a bit better.. but I like how you can surprise people with gambits in tourneys and put pressure from the clock and worrying about rating points and getting checkmated, miscalculating.. stress.. it's alot to take in... I like the way how I went in with a plan and found a way to win with what was thrown at me..This attack caused him to blocked in all of his pieces forced him to castle to a weakened king side. All to save a pawn in the opening. Tell me what you think of my play. E5 is the killer! he moved bishop to defended the check instead of taking E5 and walks right into a mate!
leave a comment let me know what you think.. thanks.

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