
classical games are full of cheaters or am I a bad loser?

yes many players use fritz but how? they usually test their moves formerly on fritz and if it is good they move and if it was not good they dont move! and lichess cannot find cheat! because some moves are best some are good and some are bad but not make lose!
I assure you that even when a player is only using an engine to verify that a move they wish to play is not a big mistake or blunder and opt for a different move, they will still be caught over time. It just takes longer than someone who is being absolutely blatant about it like playing move by move what Stockfish tells them and therefore matching up 99.9% of their moves to the analysis generated by lichess. I wouldn't worry too terribly much about it though as these would be the strongest players on the site that you'll likely never play as they likely lay low and only try to improve their rank when they absolutely need to. High profile cheaters are always caught after awhile because being in the limelight all the time makes them slip up; we've had at least one GM as well as other masters here eventually outed as cheats. Eventually though, there will just be too much evidence to dispute no matter how cautious a cheat you are.

For the records, I've been playing a lot of tournaments lately and I've only encountered a single engine-user. The only other "cheater" I've encoutnered was a sandbagger, but he likely wasn't using an engine.
When I used to play on FICS (Free Internet Chess Server), I played a few poor losers (almost always higher rated opponents) who would accuse me of cheating. It's as if they think a player with a 200-300 point lower rating couldn't possibly play well enough to beat them. I assume it's just their way of managing their cognitive dissonance.

I don't know if it's the community or the availability of computer analysis stats (or both), but I rarely (if ever) have been accused of cheating on Lichess. Nonetheless, when it does happen, I just thank them for the compliment and tell them I'm not cheating, as trying to convince the paranoid otherwise is pretty futile.

I have no doubt that some people cheat. What I don't understand is why they do so, as there's no tangible reward other than a high rating that they didn't earn.

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