
why are you all here? doesn't seem to support engines playing variants. Despite the rather kludgy interface for engines here, it is still way better than nothing at all.
@MaxKSchmidt said in #1:
> Hey,
> silly and old question, but i wanted to know:
> simple as it is, what are your reasons you all are here at lichess and not over at the big boy
> my reasons are the layout and the puzzle categories.
> im working a lot and the cost of wouldnt matter, but even the diamond membership isnt as good as the lichess overall package.
> whats missing for me are the monthly bots and that you have events that you can follow and analyse like titled tuesday or candidates in the app itself.

I'm here because this is the platform I started on 5 years ago and I have worked on my rating here and not on I like the study tool and also bullet is less laggy here on lichess. Puzzles are unlimited and players are generally stronger.

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