
Adding Rapid and Slow rating categories. - Please vote !

I'm still not a Scala developer, but getting close to it, since I'm now working in a Groovy/Grails project, another Java compatible language. Hopefully I may start contributing to Lichess open project in Scala a few months from now.
I am really surprised that this is something that is getting any push back at all. What are the arguments against having time categories that adhere to the way chess is played practically everywhere else?

For those of us who haven't played chess our entire lives, and have thousands of patterns burnt into our brains because of it, longer games are almost essential to progress at all.
In my previous post I did not support a new rating pool but today after waiting over 5 minutes for a 15'15" game I started thinking a new rating range may inspire more people to play longer games,
so +1 from me too for the idea.
@playerok Exactly.
I am sure it would be a revaluation for longer time controls if we establish at least one additional rating for the spectrum of long and longer time controls.
To this point I don't really understand why it has to be such a tough fight to get the additional rating; I thought lichess is for the people, so if the people want this rating (and it seems like those playing classicals want an additional rating), why do they put the breaks on the (in my view) inevitable?

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