
I don't feel too happy about 1000 pound prize pool

Just because you gave Lichess money, it doesn't mean you get to tell them how to run the thing.
@Hedgehog1963 said in #12:
> Just because you gave Lichess money, it doesn't mean you get to tell them how to run the thing.

Ok well I've said my piece, I'll shut up now, not happy xxx thanks to all at lichess for a brilliant website and all the hard work, still not happy though xxx
@SimonBirch being good at chess is isn’t about being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. And I think you fail to realize how having cash tournaments help chess as a whole and help the lichess website.
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It's not a scam. The only thing a charitable organization isn't entitled to do with donations is to put the money in their own pockets.

Paying out prizes to players through tournaments is a way to invest resources in the growth of the site.
@SimonBirch If you were lichess and lets say had 10k how would you host tournaments/events?
Complaining without providing a better solution does nothing and doing no such tournament is worse because then lichess does not get the promotions
Your account is 3 months old and the TA prizes are more than 7 years old. The TA prizes had been in place many, many years before you chose to donate?
@SimonBirch said in #1:
> Titled players can win a thousand pounds in a lichess tournament. This is not what I'm a patron for and as a charitable organisation im wondering if this is poor form by lichess. I don't gift my money for the elite top players to win my money. Maybe if you did prize winning tournaments for all levels of players I would feel happy. This seems to against the ethos of the website and I don't feel happy about it , that's my charitable donation going to players cause they're better than me it's not what I give for and am questioning it , unless it comes from a rich sponsor or company it makes me feel bit gutted that they're taking my money and may reconsider my patronage , thanks if you could explain the thinking behind this lichess I'd like to know yours Simon Birch xxx

I agree with Simon. People can call me greedy, stingy, egocentric if they want, but if I don't give, it's because I want to know where my money goes if I give. I think it's great that the titled Arena is there and I thank Magnus Carlsen for almost always returning Lichess's money to Lichess. but when you talk about it promoting Lichess, I don't agree. are these GMs like Danya Naroditsky telling their fans - Lichess is the best? No. unless they are a streamer and put "TA Lichess" in big letters, there is no proof of love for Lichess for most of these people. why do they deserve to have a chance to win this money? I propose something simple but which could be effective: make entry fee for any titled player who is not a patron, a ticket, and more innovative, an entry where the person gives as much as they want. so, if an FM is stingy enough to give $1, it's serious but no one other than the mods will know. regarding the promotion of Lichess: a charity site on the scale of Lichess does not have the chess.thing policy, since Lichess is not a company and there is no contract between the players and the site. the community of most GMs will follow them whether on Lichess or elsewhere, and frankly if I want to give my money it should go to mods who are present and responding rather than to a pro who will only play from one site to another. Besides, many titled players are not even patrons, why give them the opportunity to play among themselves to earn the community's money? lance does not play in TA but gives. german11 gives and does not play in TA. where does the TA money come from then?
after all, most charity events require a financial contribution from the participants: in a charity football match, players are asked to make a donation to an association, why not a ticket for the TA whose profits would pay a part or even all of the price?
@CSKA_Moscou said in #19:
> I want to know where my money goes if I give.

I think it's a bit unfair to say that... Lichess is quite transparent on this subject.
They won't tell you how your money will be used, because your donation is not a contract, but they do tell you how they used the money given to them.

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