
Serious Question For Black Lives Matter Supporters

How does all of the looting, and rioting, and burning things down help anything?

Think of it like this. Suppose we are all on the Titanic. It has hit the iceberg. "Oh, shit..." Well, that's not good. Everyone agrees that's not good.

Could be like;
"Lets make sure all the lifeboats are full and overpacked!"
"Lets set off some signal flairs to bring in another ship for aid"
"Quick, there are not enough liferafts, lets rope together some other things to make some temporary rafts"
"Lets send a signal to other ships by telegram"

BLM in the same sitaution would be like:

"Quick get the torches lets start the ship on fire!"
"Anyone without a torch lighting the ship on fire will be shamed!"
"Take the axes to the life rafts to get more firewood!"
Here are some examples of where non peaceful protests have accomplished a lot. The first example is the boston tea party. Because the people in the american colonies were dissatisfied with british rule, they threw british tea into the harbor (this is similar to property destruction that is occurring today). Another example would the the white residents of Tulsa Oklahoma in 1921 when the rioted to kick black families out. While the cause was unjust (I definitely do not support it), it led to black families being kicked out. In this case the riots that white people have caused have created change (albeit a very negative change). In fact, the riots in Baltimore after the killing of Freddy Grey by police led to six officers being charged. If you want to look overseas, the french revolution contained a lot of rioting by the citizens and it led to the end of a monarchy. Often in history, whenever people of color riot, it is looked at much differently than when white people riot. Because of the success of riots in history, I do not think your titanic comparison is accurate at all. In fact it is a very flawed comparison because the titanic hit the iceberg through no fault of the captain and it affected everyone else on board. Before you complain about rioting, think about this quote by MLK: "A riot is the language of the unheard".
Off topic about the Boston tea party. If they were protesting, why did they dress as Indians? Would a white man make a better rioter if he wore blackface? How was the message get established? If a steal a mail truck, would the government understand that I was protesting high gas prices? And if you really think about it, the war was fought over a luxury tax and the poor were just dragged along without any say.

The captain of the Titanic was warned about the iceberg, and his failure to act accordingly puts blame on him.

Since the vast majority of problems of humans are caused by humans, do as Bender says, "Kill all humans."

Interesting perspective... Would you consider this Nazi action to be an example of a successful nonpeaceful protest? Also, is this sort of action the type of thing that benefits society as a whole? A sort of "It's okay if the ends justify the means" mentality?

@lurarose Kristallnacht wasn't a protest because at the time, the nazi party was in power. Kristallnacht was a government oppressing people that they did not like.

@jonesmh I'm not entirely sure as to why the sons of liberty disguised themselves as indians on the night of the boston tea party but history does classify the boston tea party as a protest to the tea act. I also want to add that the revolutionary war was fought over "taxation without representation" and not necessarily luxury tax. This is because one of the main gripes was that the colonies had no representation in parliament so the taxes levied by parliament were unjust.
The BLM organization generates hate, is divisive, destructive, and they do not care about anybody not even black people.

When I was in my late teens and early in my early 20s I worked at Wendy's for 3 going on 4 years. It was not the most glamourous job in the world, but it was an honest living.

I remember some of my coworkers at the time, I'll tell you a little bit about some of them.

One was a young lady that came from an abusive household. This job provided her with an ability to escape that, and become independent.

Another was a college student, if not for their job at wendy's they would not have been able to eat or put gas in their car.

Wendy's was an inclusive workforce. We even hired a young man with down syndrome as a cook, and he did a great job and that job made him feel so good about himself being able to contribute something, and he even made friends.

There was an older lady that worked there too. Her husband and son died in a car accident leaving her alone in this world. I don't think she really needed the money, but she liked to get out of the house and do something. A real lonely lady, rather friendly though.

I can't forget the stoner that worked there. They loved to paly video games and smoke weed. Theyed worked hard though so they could play hard.

Black lives matter doesn't give a damn about any of these people, and their struggles or livelihoods. Black Lives matter burned a wendy's down a couple of nights ago. The cars in the parking lot worn torched as well as destroying employees and customers way of getting to and from work, or to visit family members sick with covid, or to go and buy groceries.

Why did they burn it down!? Did wendy's like hold a Ku Klux Klan rally and there was some big battle where the good guys won and finally defeated racism? Nah, nothing like that. What happend was some black dude got really wasted. Then he passed out in the drive-thru of a wendy's... So the wendy's people went out and knocked on the window and he didn't respond... So they called an ambulance for this man and the police came. What was Wendy's employees supposed to do? The police banged a little louder and flashed their flashlight waking the man up. The man seemed cooperative for a while until he became not cooperative and grabbed for the officers tazer fighting them. He got the taser away from the police officer and was shot after trying to electrocude the officer... And that according to BLM is why Wendy's must be burned down. That is why the employees of wendy's do not have cars anymore. That is why the employees of wendy's can not put food on the table anymore or pay the rent.
Nobody can answer the questions accurately.
The more correct theory, but definitely not taught in American schools, is that the Sons of Liberty didn't want their identity known because they knew they would be punished under the current law. They owned the newspapers, so they could explain the reasons without being known. And they were protesting the taxes that were stripping them of their wealth. After the war, they setup, behind closed doors, a system that would greatly benefit the wealthy and only give the illusion of power to the masses.
The current protests are addressing some serious issues, but the powers will do as little as possible to sedate the masses, and nothing will change. Once again, the real problem is humans, and nothing will be equal until this problem is eradicated.

@lurarose I personally do not like the BLM organization because of who they donate too (they donate to a political party while the issue is one of human rights). However, if you want to use an example of how one black person destroyed a wendys, we should also bring up how white supremacists and people on the far right infiltrate peaceful protests and make them violent. (while there may be a slight bias towards the political left, just security does have a clean fact check record). In fact, the FBI has known about this issue since 2006 (I'll find my source and link it here later). In fact, we don't need to look at black people to see how bad the police truly are. In New York, the police ganged up and beat a 75 year old man for no good reason While this isn't an easy problem to address, there are some things that can be done to help. One of them would be to make the police hire smart people and stop justifying hiring people with lower scores Another thing that should be done is to remove qualified immunity which allows the police to get away with racism, excessive force, illegal searches, and other violations of people's rights,violate%20%E2%80%9Cclearly%20established%E2%80%9D%20law.. I don't think its fair to take one person's actions and use it to denounce the ideas of a movement (I want to reiterate that I dislike the actual BLM organization but I support the BLM movement).
A basic read through the FBI's crime statistics explains all one needs to know about the supposed racism of police. Skeptical of that? Read the BJS crime victimization surveys, where victims of violent crimes report the race of the offender: The survey results align nearly perfectly with the FBI statistics.

Nobody ever riots because men as a sex are disproportionately stopped, arrested, or killed by police. Instead the obvious is accepted: Men are biologically predisposed to be more violent, take more risks, and commit more crimes, therefore the greater interaction between men and police is simply a consequence of law enforcement doing their job. That logic isn't extended racially because reason was never on the agenda to begin with, it's a prop, and political subversion is the true mark.

It has never had anything to do with police brutality or black lives. It is only intended to smear Western civilizations which, ironically, are the only civilizations that would ever consider truly prioritizing notions of racial equity over national stability and Rule of Law, to a fault.
BLM - ANTIFA - OCCUPY - BLACKBLOC = Subversive Communist front groups that perform regular Communist productions i.e., road shows calculated to brainwash naive Americans and suckers worldwide. Anyone who believes any of this stuff is organic probably needs to do some reading and catch up on the current state of Communist strategy and tactics.

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