
Did Puzzles actually improve your chess

@OctoPinky said in #28:
> Really? Like 300 every day for 6 months?

Yep. That's about right. I'd do them in sets of 100. Usually 100-200 in the morning and then again after work. Takes about 10-15 minutes per set. Great fun while listening to music.
Well the fact that the puzzles come from actual games I guess it can only help, but I never seem to get into a puzzle situation , I don't know why , I think mainly it normally requires a massive blunder from your opponent to start it and not many people blundering nowadays xxx luckily I can still do captchas to reply although sometimes I struggle lol
@OctoPinky said in #7:
> Not that much, actually maybe the contrary.
> It is true that calculation abilities are being improved, and it shows especially in some endgames.
> Said that, in 99% of the moves there is no clearly best (=almost forced) move or combination to find, but several slightly better choices. Yet the mind keeps trying to find "the" solution. The final result (at least for me, YMMV) is that I'm neglecting better positional choices, and when finally a "real life" puzzle appears, I'm so blunt (like in "blunt knife") that don't see it.
> I guess it is an issue with random non-structured learning.

Puzzles are kinda wacky for me. since 2022 I've been in the 2100 - 2500 range...
@SimonBirch said in #33:
> I never seem to get into a puzzle situation

As your puzzle rating increases, you get less obvious puzzles so maybe they are more likely to happen. But I think by getting puzzles right, you minimize your own blunders (as you have to think about possible opponent's replies) more than anything else.
@OctoPinky said in #36:
> As your puzzle rating increases, you get less obvious puzzles so maybe they are more likely to happen. But I think by getting puzzles right, you minimize your own blunders (as you have to think about possible opponent's replies) more than anything else.

Well in three years of playing I have never had a puzzle for or against me ,made of my games so I'm doing something right , I'm not getting caught in a puzzle.

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