

@petroeska you can cry like a baby all u want saying lichess is being unfair to u, when this is evidently false by your stats, but now your just being rude to other people about their ratings for no reason. Everyone's allowed to post here and ur just going on about ratings making the site more toxic than it needs to be so grow up
The rudeness started when player (s)(very low rated players by the way) suggested that I was complaining about my low rating.
Again: #28 it's the system of selecting color and rating of opponents that's what the critic s about, not my rating or lack of it or so!
And when somebody gets rude, I'll respond in the same fashion, you can't blame me for that!
Nobody is being rude to u, u have posted in this forum, inviting people to reply to u. We have already cleared up that it's simply not true about pairings and colours (u cannot argue with stats) and just because you have a higher rating than others (by gaining 1 rating a game trying to play lower rated players) doesn't make you any better. Nobody is being rude so again grow up and stop making lichess toxic
If you want to farm lower rated guys, how about someone higher rated than you shows you what it's like on the receiving end? I'm more than willing if you need to gain some rating. I mean, a washed up 2250 like me shouldn't stand a chance against a strong 2100 right?
It's not about the average opponent rating, it's about being a wimp and crying in the forum about it.

EDIT: Even if my average opponent rating is lower than my rating, it's called playing in tournaments, sometimes unbalanced. I don't put challenges in the lobby every day, 24|7, just wanting to get a lower opponent to farm rating points, so just close your account.
If you have so much against the site then don't play here. Forums are for a discussion between users to share their beliefs and get answers to questions - not to insult each other and put down the site.
Why are all of you still leaning on the assumption that I want to collect rating points?
I started this item to establish some flaws in the system and this was meant to be addressed to the developers.
Instead of them, who are not reacting, you, the fellow users picked up a megaphone and yelled at me with all kind of statistics,

( by the way: most users are in the range of 1700-1900, so if the system has problems finding an opponent for a 2050 player, it's more likely you get a 1850 than an 2250 player, so far another statistic)

that's what happened.
So lets stop this discussion, because the developers probably won't react to the flaws, so for me it's useless to go on making my point.
All the best!!!
Well, telling them their site sucks won't really convince them.
<Comment deleted by user>

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