
Search "user:arz920"

63 forum posts
Game analysis - Lost several times against a 1200 rated player#1

I lost 1 rated game and then 9 more unrated games against a 1200 player: My lichess rating is "1848" (extreme lichess inflation). Does this rating have any value? Because my rating should be around 70…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle / Real rating discrepancy#6

No, you are actually a lot smarter than me, i can't get over 1300 rating in the tactics puzzle and i spend 1 hour per tactic. I'm not smart enough to improve beyond 1300, even doing tactics for 4 hour…

Game analysis - Stockfish level 3#4

The ratings of stockfish here are wrong. I can beat 10 out of 10 stockfish 6 (1900) in 10+5. You should decrease at least 700 points to know the real rating of the engine. So stockfish 3 is really 900…

General Chess Discussion - Inflation on lichess#3

Yes, lichess ratings are extremely inflated. My rating in real life is around 700, here(1920), so in real life i have 1834 points less than my lichess account. I never studyed openings and i blunder i…

Lichess Feedback - Error en rompecabezas 19627#5

Its still wrong the 10701, taking the queen should be marked as "good move but you can do better"

Lichess Feedback - Error en rompecabezas 19627#4

Yes, your move Qxd7 should be marked as "good move but you can do better", same as my move. That puzzle 10701 is ok imo. The last move Nd6 (instead of taking the queen) is to try to force a mistake. I…

Lichess Feedback - Error en rompecabezas 19627#1

En este rompecabezas la respuesta considerada correcta es Nd7. Pero yo encontre Qxg8 y gano el intercambio al igual que con Nd7 y asi todo me lo marca como incorrecto Error in puzzle 19627: http://es.…

Lichess Feedback - tablas automaticas?#4

no solo si se repite la pocision hay tavlas, tambien las hay si se hase una repetision de posisiones paresidas. por eso tene cuidado con repetir mobimientos paresidos.

Game analysis - Raise That Rating - Chess YouTube Show. Free Game Analysis! #6

What rating are you in standard USCF

General Chess Discussion - Win your won positions #15

Nice, i don't get why Rf7 is better than Rg6 in the first move, you are going to take the pawn anyway.
