
Search "user:CSKA_Moscou"

2257 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever had any ( for lack of a better term) occult experiences#14

the fact of having survived my allergy to antibiotics when i was 8 years old is already a miracle. then yes. But I met black cats and had a great day at the same time, and Friday 13th are days like an…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#48

It's strange that such a subject is still there. World Guinness Book should get involved

Off-Topic Discussion - Who else is obsessed with Shakespeare?? Shakespeare fans challenge#24

@Passionate_Player said in #23: > how does Laertes die with a sword blow whose tip is poisoned. killed by Hamlet, when they had exchanged swords during a duel

Off-Topic Discussion - I urgently need to know if anyone remembers me#4

For sure i remember you. But I'm not sure.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?#8

the universe and space have no definite end or solutions. there could be a single universe in the middle of the vacuum of space (and this vacuum of space would be infinite) or several universes, which…

General Chess Discussion - when was lichess made???#12

@Chess0315 said in #11: > No, it didn't Lichess was made 2010 administratively speaking you are right. but the forum was born when the great people took it over.

General Chess Discussion - when was lichess made???#10

Lichess was made when @mrPushwood arrived. Veni vidi vici

Off-Topic Discussion - Continue the story 2!#14

@Oportunist said in #13: > But in the end he lost to Ali Reza Magnus is no longer Lichess champion and becomes dark Magnus, serving chess com

Off-Topic Discussion - why people still don't live on mars?#43

there are monstrous storms, worse than the hurricanes of our earth. therefore difficult to carry out construction sites. apart from living near the poles, it can be risky in terms of water supply. it …

Off-Topic Discussion - Teams#16

@Marakuya said in #15: > how to add a logo? I tried 5 times. only fail Unfortunately I can't help you, I'm looking for the solution myself to do it on mobile
