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8 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#11

Learn something new everyday. 0:00.0 on the clock does always mean your opponent flagged!

Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#9

I guess what you guys are saying is that actually his clock was 0:00.06 when he made his move. But the clock does not show the 0.06th sliver, so I saw 0:00.0, but there was still a 6 that was not illu…

Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#8

mcgoves are you saying that 0.00 on the clock possibly does not mean your opponent has flagged? If so, then that's absurd.

Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#7

TBest, did you use the REALTIME function and watch white's clock? It ticks down and hits 0.00 for an extremely brief second.

Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#4

Hit the three dots in the middle and open in analysis board. Then open menu by hitting the three lines and select the REALTIME function under replay mode. Watch white's clock.

Lichess Feedback - Opponent Flagged but Lichess does not call it!#1

See game move 83, use "REALTIME" function and watch white's clock. You will see that it just barely hits 0.00 and yet Lichess did not flag the white player! This…

General Chess Discussion - Looking for a strong player to train with!#6

I'm thinking at least 200 rating points higher. But I don't mind playing anyone. @nonmasterchesser , sure I wouldn't mind that.

General Chess Discussion - Looking for a strong player to train with!#1

Hi there, I'm ~2100 rapid here on Lichess, and I've been feeling like I don't get enough opportunity to play much stronger players than myself. I think it is important to get opportunities to play str…
