
Ultra BOG!

0 members

Hi BOG! This is Ultra BOG! Our goal is to take over the world, so join to help us out! We have FREE tournaments with prizes (hugs, happiness, etc.) in order to help grow our ranks in our inevitable rise to the top. We’ve already paid out hundreds of hugs and will do anything to reach our goal!

A little bit about the BOG: It’s a utopia that only John has seen, but we all know will take over soon. All of the world’s problems will be solved once John is put in power, and BOG is the key to living a successful and meaningful life. So join us as we take over the Internet, it’s only going to get bigger from here! BOG is unstoppable!

For those wondering what BOG is, go here:

Ultra BOG came to lichess on January 3rd, 2022, and we look forwards to being here forever! Our hug prizes for the winners will keep all of you happy!

If you're a hugs fan, then even better! BOG's Member Count will go up just like hugs, to happiness!