
The Opening Guide

Wow, this is super impressive. It is obvious that an insane amount of work has gone into preparing this, so thanks for dedicating so much time and effort to helping us less gifted players. The links at the end are extremely useful and will be a great resource moving forward. I need all the help I can get! Thanks again.
WOW! Thanks for the condensed version. It is still quite long for a beginner to take in, BUT I wanted to write because I was thinking that each of your "sections" could be a separate blog post to make it easier for a player to take in... a few bites at a time. For me, I would have to read a section and really think about it and practice a bit before I could really own the information. Clearly your are knowledgeable. Thanks for sharing!
@Letpchess Thank you so much. Yes, it's still VERY hard for beginners. But, at least all the info is there. Probably the best part is the resource guide :P
@TheLastStyleBender said in #5:
> @Letpchess Thank you so much. Yes, it's still VERY hard for beginners. But, at least all the info is there. Probably the best part is the resource guide :P

Thank you for your work!