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Blitz Blunders and Cat Hypnosis: A Lichess Mystery Unveiled

Have you ever had those moments when you're playing blitz on Lichess, and suddenly, it feels like your brain is in vacation mode while your pieces are in the middle of a traffic jam? Yeah, that's been my life lately. Let me tell you about it.

Hey fellow chess enthusiasts!

Have you ever had those moments when you're playing blitz on Lichess, and suddenly, it feels like your brain is in vacation mode while your pieces are in the middle of a traffic jam? Yeah, that's been my life lately. Let me tell you about it.

For three solid years, I've been cruising along on Lichess, my ratings holding steady like a rock in a stormy sea. Then, out of nowhere, on March 24th, something strange happened. It was like a switch flipped in my brain, but only for blitz games. Suddenly, I started blundering left, right, and center, like my pieces were partying without me.

Now, I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but I've been pondering over this mystery, and I've come up with a couple of theories. First off, maybe some mischievous chess gremlin hijackedmy brain and decided to mess with my calculations. Or perhaps, and hear me out on this one, my cat has learned the art of hypnosis and is using it to distract me during blitz games. I mean, it's not entirely far-fetched, right? Who knows what those furry little masterminds are capable of when they're not napping or demanding snacks?

But in all seriousness, this sudden decline in my blitz performance has left me scratching my head (and not just because of fleas, thanks to my cat). Could it be that I've reached the limits of my chess prowess? Or maybe there's something deeper at play here, like a cosmic shift in the fabric of the universe that's throwing off my game.

So, dear followers, I pose this question to you: Have you ever experienced a similar phenomenon? Have you ever found yourself inexplicably blundering in blitz games while bullet games remain unscathed? Or perhaps you have your own theories about what's causing this mysterious dip in performance. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's unravel this enigma together!
In the meantime, I'll be keeping a close eye on my cat, just in case she starts waving a pocket watch and whispering "checkmate" in her sleep. Because when it comes to the game of chess, you never know what surprises might be lurking just around the corner.
Until next time, keep calm and play on (unless your cat is trying to hypnotize you).

Cheers, RickyVONicky