
Maximum puzzle rating threshold

An unknown Lichess feature

Research :

There is some kind of self protection system working in the background that makes sure that nobody manipulates the ratings of puzzles. Thibault himself made it very clear in the above posted link that he cares about the ratings of the top 0.1% of puzzles.

How does this system work ? I think it works this way:

1. Lichess defines a "maximum puzzle rating threshold" for every user.
- For a player like me who only plays puzzles and nothing else this "maximum puzzle rating threshold" seems to be 2500 (starting standard rating 1500 + 1000 points)
- For other players who play games and have higher/lower game ratings the "maximum puzzle rating threshold" is presumably higher or lower (standard rating in blitz/rapid/classical + 1000 points ?)
Users with game ratings between 2000-2100. puzzle rating visible or invisible: (puzzle rating 2935 (21.06.23)/ rating visible) (puzzle rating 3010 (21.06.23)/ hidden rating)
Users with game ratings between 1700-1800. puzzle rating invisible: (puzzle rating 2733 (21.06.23)/ hidden rating

- A titled player (NM MrPushwoood) wrote that he thinks that his "maximum puzzle rating threshold" seems to be 2900 (He didn ́t use the word "maximum puzzle rating threshold" in his comment #5)
This is wrong. MrPushwood played a lot of puzzles on 21.06.23. His puzzle rating is now 2887. His puzzle rating is hidden. His ""maximum puzzle rating threshold" is obviously lower than 2900.

- I still have to find users who have an "maximum puzzle rating threshold" lower than 2500. Maybe that those users don`t exist because 2500 is the minimum.

2. What is the effect of this "maximum puzzle rating threshold" ?
- As long as a user has a puzzle rating below the "maximum puzzle rating threshold" everything is normal.
- If he plays rated puzzles his puzzle rating and the ratings of the puzzles change
- If he or somebody else takes a look at his profile, he or somebody else can see his puzzle rating and the amount of played rated puzzles on the left side of the profile. Additionally the puzzle rating change is visible in "activity".

- As soon as the user breaches the "maximum puzzle rating threshold" everything changes.
- For the user himself nothing seems to change. If he plays rated puzzles he still gains or loses rating points. His profile looks as it always did. He still can see his puzzle rating and the amount of played rated puzzles on the left side and the entries in activity are still normal. This means that most users never realize that something like the "maximum puzzle rating threshold" exists.

- The change is only visible if somebody else takes a look at those profiles. The other users are no longer able to see the puzzle rating and the amount of played rated puzzles on the left side of the profile. These numbers were now replaced by a question mark. Additionally other users can no longer see the puzzle rating changes of this user when they look in activity.
- Remark : The puzzle rating of the user and the daily changes are still visible in the charts !

- The ratings of all puzzles which the user now plays after he breached the "maximum puzzle rating threshold" remain unchanged !!! This is the reason why Lichess presumably implemented this feature !

That`s all about it.