
How can I bridge the gap between my puzzle rating and my classical chess rating?

I play considerably better at puzzles, but in real games I keep missing, specially when I have short time.
I'm the other way round.

Training: 1526
Bullet: 1916

Not everything in black and white makes sense.

Bizarrely, if I play 'ordinary' rated games against random opponents, my rating slowly goes down. Well, quickly, actually! If I wish to boost my rating I go into a tournament and I seem to be able to beat higher players!!!!

Mind you, I'm the same in my work (classical musician). Crap in practice, great on stage!

My rating in puzzles is great but I suck at bullet. I don't know why. Maybe because I am very aggressive on bullet and it backfires a lot on my games. Also maybe because I have a strong tendency to blew up winning positions.
@kleynah #1

How long are you playing chess ?
Did you go through master annotated chess games ?
Did you study good chess books ?
Do you analyse your own games afterwards, especially the ones where you got a confused feeling, and the ones where you had a won advantage but let it end in draw or loss ?

If I were you I would first focus on the slower time controls.
Especially correspondence chess can be perfect to improve on your openings and endgames (On both and opening books can be used in corr. chess, as well as endgame books [but not tablebases]).

With that you can work on experience.
Eventually with more experience and more skills you will be having more success in your faster time control chess games
(And with more success I do not just mean winning more against lower rated because they blunder and are slower, but I mean also winning against higher rated, by making the better moves).
Puzzles and games are different.
When you are trying to solve a puzzle you know that there is a solution.
On the other hand, when you are playing a game you are familiar with the "story" of the game and how you got to that position.
I do well at the Tactics Trainer but I miss a lot of tactics in real games...
#4 That's a hilarious user name! I wonder what effect it has on your games.
I doubt that his username has any significant effect on his games.

Chess has nothing to do with names. Or is the psychological aspect of chess far greater than I thought?
#9, I remember I watched a John Bartholomew video that he didn't berserk just because his opponent was called 'berserking101'.

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