
Terrorist assault/war against Israel.

I am not sure if talking about politics on lichess is allowed, however, it is worth pointing out that you are approaching the topic from only one perspective over the other
what you call terror*sm, i call it self defence personally because we see what Palestinians have to endure daily because of colonialism
colonialism has done way worse to the local Palestinians and no one really talks about it
always remember to look at both sides before approaching a political conflict
I am sorry in advance if political talks are not allowed on lichess as i am note aware about such a rule
@sdkman said in #3:
> I am not sure if talking about politics on lichess is allowed, however, it is worth pointing out that you are approaching the topic from only one perspective over the other
> what you call terror*sm, i call it self defence personally because we see what Palestinians have to endure daily because of colonialism
> colonialism has done way worse to the local Palestinians and no one really talks about it
> always remember to look at both sides before approaching a political conflict
> I am sorry in advance if political talks are not allowed on lichess as i am note aware about such a rule

They're allowed here in Off Topic Section.

Some countries are not only seeing one side of the story. Even inside Israel or in diaspora around the world there is some disagreement on this subject.
news says mayor of a southern israeli council killed in Hamas attack.

My thoughts and prayers to the people of Palestine in their endless struggle for basic human rights.

See, two can play at that game. Just like chess!
It is of course a tragedy, condolences to everyone.

A theory I seen is this is initiated by Russia to try to deflect interest from Ukraine. Of course, I have no idea on the truth of this. How close ties have Hamas to Russia?

Anyway, I suspect leaders of both sides have an interest in a continued conflict. Then they can say that they are the only one that can keep the people safe and gain votes by this. Why people fall for this I don't understand. People should have contact cross the borders and select people that can work for peace. Ignore the war-mongers.
@hardbitten said in #5:
> news says mayor of a southern israeli council killed in Hamas attack.
> My thoughts and prayers to the people of Palestine in their endless struggle for basic human rights.
> See, two can play at that game. Just like chess!

Hundreds of Israelis were killed today; thousands more were injured or taken hostage. You can suspend your romance and acknowledge this is a terrible terrorist act, an insufferable human situation and a huge tragedy. That’s what any real human rights activist would do today.
@sdkman said in #9:

Puts things in perspective. Which does not mean I think today is a great day.

@Arihol So what do you think will follow regardless of activism? Manufacturing more desperate Palestinians?

We've seen what it brings in another country.


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