
Sci-fi Chess

Let's be off-topic and off-present for a minute and imagine a sci-fi future where chips in our brains allow us to connect to the internet, do fast calculations, etc.

What would happen to chess as we know it in that hypothetical future? The first thing that comes to mind is that the person with the stronger and faster AI software would be able to win or at least tie most games.

Maybe new rules would emerge, or tournaments where "old school" chess would be played (i.e people playing with their chip turned off).
Bien podría ser el fin del ajedrez como lo conocemos. Imagina que no hubiera manera de saber si alguien está usando su chip o no, sería como ahora con las personas que usan programas pero en tiempo real y sin la necesidad de una computadora (externa a tu cuerpo).
Imagine only very rich people could afford those chips and then only the elite could not only play chess at another level, they also would be superior and more qualified for any job or art, and then society would get even more polarized than already is today.

Creepy. Same thing with genetical engineering.
Well, I once saw the movie named "Gattaca"(, the main topic of the movie was genetic engineering. In that movie people who were genetically modified have rid from all the illnesses and weaknesses. But those who werent modified, people like me and you, become total outsiders. They couldnt find a good job or win against modified people in any kind of competitions (in chess as well I suppose). So that can be pretty much creepy indeed, like said #4

The movie was filmed in 1997, in the same year Kasparov lost to Deep Blue. Since then both genetic engineering and computer tech dramatically improved. Once science fiction now becomes reality. I propose you to just wait a few years more, and you will see how sci-fi chess will look like.
Once there was Deep Blue (which some people claim was a part of a hoax), but now we have Houdini...
I guess as #5 was saying, it's about time before things get strange... just imagine how it was for the old people born around when Woodrow Wilson was president in 1913 until today... over a hundred years a person can live, and just imagine what could happen in the next 100 years, going from black-nd-white film and model T's to the crazy stuff we have today in the last century.
People will be using computerized tactical techniques (never imagined by man) with their psychological means to win a match. Today we might call them chess swindlers, but tomorrow we will call them computerized Cerebral Wrestlers.
then fullsized war would be impossible and we would live hapilly ever after the end.
or war would break out and we would have such powerful missiles that we would all die.

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