
Duty Moderator?

Do you guys ever read your mail? I reported a cheat 24 hours ago and they're still playing -I've had no feedback. I know you moderators think you've got a life outside of Lichess - but you haven't!
The guilty person is playing normally right now so I guess there is no immediate hurry. Unless they thought they got away with it and think they can apply the same moral attitude to life. Like..........
Though that post of mine was a bit tongue in cheek - have you considered it? A duty moderator - they could appear in the online friends box by default? Even if that's not an option you'd feel comfortable extending to all users (for obvious reasons), you might consider it for certain 'at risk' populations if ever you refine the registration process.
Mods will not contact you about your reports 99.9% of the time. Also, all reports are looked at. I can't see your report anymore, meaning that a mod looked at it and judged that that person wasn't cheating.

#2 sounds reasonable but they'd get flooded by weird messages and would be unable to keep up. Moreover, we don't want to see reports outside of the official report system, but people abuse it anyway and message us directly. As for non-report stuff, some player queries require admin intervention. Anyway, if you have questions like that we always have the address available.
P.S. Please don't make the same topic twice across both the Q&A and forum.
Hellball - there is absolutely no doubt the person was cheating. When somebody is stupid enough to use this site to cheat against their opponent on this site, I thought it might be a mitigataing factor (STUPID) but now I'm thinking that wasn't even a decision - it really has been ignored.
Reported a player for cheating a year ago and never received a reply or acknowledgement from the mods. Maybe they judged he was not cheating, just like in your case. Granted it was a tough decision. The player had his full name and a link to his Facebook page, on which he had notable chess friends. But now he finally has the "This player uses computer assistance" message added to his profile. It took over a year from my initial report. Who knows how many times he cheated within that time, but maybe swifter action and greater vigilance were called for. The giveaway for me were his numerous 0 0 0 perfect games in 1 minute chess bullet tournaments. Didn't seem to convince the mods though.
Okay, to clarify what happened in THIS SPECIFIC CASE.

First of all, the person is now marked.

As #5 said, the site itself said the person cheated. There is a win condition called 'Cheat detected'. This is when someone uses Stockfish on this site. We don't automatically mark, expecting people to learn their lesson. This person clearly didn't, and essentially kept feeding rating to other people -- by trying to cheat. >.>

Anyway, the person is now marked, but it's a very unusual case in that this person didn't learn from their mistakes at ALL. It is one of the few cases where we give a second chance, but they didn't understand this time, and thus were marked.

#6, sad to hear that but the person was eventually marked. If you feel strongly about it (as it sounds) to the point that you checked their page every day, you should have collected some evidence and reported again. Mistakes do happen, especially with these very difficult cases. What it sounds like is that these 0-0-0 games were mixed with a number of less-impressive games.

Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience but don't feel like your report went to waste. People are marked every day due to user reports and we are grateful for that.
I was playing a weaker player before few days. He was shouting that I am cheating, just because I was better.

chunky, that is really bad manners of you, calling somebody a cheater. You can always report your oponent for cheating and let profesionals to take a look. People under 1800 can never guarantee that someone is cheating.
Yeah I've been accused of cheating before as well, even though I never do this against other people (only against computers to test software). People should be careful to judge someone without being absolutely sure they cheat. I've often played against weaker players such as ratings below 1200 that have played like 2000+ players, but I haven't reported them, because sometimes people simply play better, get lucky with good moves or have a good day. I'm sure the moderators have good tools to detect cheaters, so it's better to report someone instead of just "shouting in the chat".
Hellball, it's worth mentioning that though the system flagged 'cheat detected' at the first offence - it didn't bother in the subsequent games. That is surely a a coding error?
The person did start playing normally,I'd hoped, through one of the mods intervention but I didn't receive confirmation from you folk so I had to assume the mods had just ignored it.
Sakram - I used to be the Lord of everything. 'Good manners' was my back garden and my play mates were Faith, Hope and Charity. Then I grew up.

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