
Italian and Spanish part..

Hi! Why many good chess players don`t play Italian or Spanish part?
Maybe because they play c5 and half of the games
are e4 opening more or less and half of a half is sicilian
but if they reach the e4 e5 nf3 nc6 most likely they will play that
as they dont have many more options if they dont play the scotch.
#3, I think that only happens at master level. In fact, I believe the Caro-Kann Defence (1... c6) is the most popular response to 1. e4 at GM level.

At club level and lower, the most popular response is 1... e5 -- though this is entirely anecdotal. What comes afterwards? Not necessarily the Italian or Ruy Lopez. :) But make no mistake, 1... e5 is a very valid response, it just doesn't have the certainty of other openings and the opening can be taken to all sorts of places.
another point is that at least the Ruy Lopez (Spanish) is a vary heavily studied system, so players may wish to avoid it to get away with knowing less opening theory.
Face it, good players don't play goofy openings.
I don't play it, mostly because of my lack of knowledge of the theory with that opening and because many other people do.
#4 You're terribly mistaken. Caro-Kann not only is not commonly used in proffesional play, but most of super gm's considers it a weaker opening then e5 or c5. According to my chessbase it's only 4th option in both, master and super-GM level, losing to e5, c5 and e6.
This is stats no one can argue with, because I used biggest database in the world (chess-base with all updates):

Master level:
1. c5 (win by a big bit)
2. e5
3. e6
4. c6
5. d6
In super-gm level only difference is that e5 is bit closer to c5.

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