
Openings practice similar to Chess Positions Trainer?

ChessTempo has a feature that randomly plays lines of your openings book against you and tells you when you get it wrong.

There is a software called Chess Position Trainer that will not just play lines but also show you specific positions and make you say what the correct move is, which is nice because it builds pattern recognition and also saves time from playing the first N moves every single repeat of a starting line.

I would like to see something like this in lichess. Let me practice my openings that I've saved in studies, and select multiple studies (representing multiple different lines) to practice.

We've already got the "Practice with the computer" tab in the Study view, which does something similar, except that has the computer play against you and tells you to follow Stockfish's evaluated best move, not your opening line. So all you would have to do is change this to make it compare your move to the move written down in your Study, and randomly pick lines from your Study.

That alone would already be a godsend, and the delicious icing on the cake would be configurations such as:
* Having it randomly select positions, rather than lines
* Letting you combine Studies for practice
* Giving performance statistics for your practice (which lines do you screw up the most often)
* Showing comments & annotations for your moves, like after I play a move tell me my comment for that line
* Letting me specify lines of focus, or having it focus more on lines I frequently forget
* Syncing with my actual game performance (in a particular date window) so if there are lines I keep forgetting in real lichess play it can highlight those for focus.

I know for myself and many other players, this is one of the main areas where we still use competitors to Lichess to augment our experience. Seems like a big opportunity.
I would really like to see this with the ability to select random positions instead of the entire line. I don't see much need for the other extra functions other than quality of life improvements. Hopefully one day it'll happen!
Know what else would be nice?

When I click "Opening Book" right now it gives me two options: "Master" and "LiChess."

What if I could select an opening book composed of my own studies? Just so that when I'm looking over a game or practicing, I can compare to my own Opening Book and see where I veered off course and what the correct move was.

This would be super helpful.
Not any sort of training program, just adding another collection of games as an opening book option. Seems much more doable than building a trainer.
It would be especially useful for dealing with transpositions. Right now if I have one study with two chapters, one studying repsonses to d4+Nf3 and the other studying d4+c4, those two are going to transpose into each other a lot and it would be nice to just have it in opening book format.

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