
BOT-only tournaments?

We BOT users want that, at least most of us I guess. But it won't be implemeted. If the bugouse petition were singed by so many GMs and people, yet havent been made, how could they make a BOT's lobby and a BOT-only tournament first, for a few (and decreasing) amount of semi-bored BOT users? BOT community is dying. BOTs have no challengers and to use a BOT account is boring from now on.
The problem is if you make bot only tournaments the winner will simply be Stockfish on the strongest hardware, facing against 20 runner up Stockfishes.
The non implementation of bughouse has other valid reasons and has been discussed at length.

I wouldn't say that BOTting gets boring, if you actually have your own Bot playing and try it out against humans it certainly is exciting. Maybe for the above mentioned Stockfish BOT accounts it does but tbh I am not particularily sad about that.
BOT tournaments for variants would be more interesting since most variants haven't received much attention for creating strong engines. These could also be analyzed for use in furthering cheat detection in variants. Of course this is also applicable to normal cheat detection.

Have BOT tournaments where the "winner" is the highest placing BOT ~not~ detected by the cheat detection. Use this to make cheat detection better.
If the tournaments are regulated by the rating, Stockfish will only earn (...?) their rank; we would then have '<1000', '<1500', '<2000', ... '<3500' tournaments. In my view, tournaments organized in this way would be of interest to any BOT. But I have serious doubts about the actual and official creation of this type of tournaments or any other...
Many people don't care about tournaments because they say "Stockfish 9 vs stockfish is so boring stockfish will win" but they don't know that there is a great difference between Stockfish 9 64 bit and Stockfish 9 64 bit because the BOT's actual strength depends more on the PC it's running on than the engine it's using if it's not a very weak engine. I run Stockfish 9 but a strong PC with a I7 CPU running Leela's ID ~130 could defeat my BOT and my I3 cpu. The torunament would go for the strongest PC running the strongest engine probably. But i'm almost sure stockfish 9 vs stockfish 9 would be interesting and wouldn't bee always a draw.
Your engine wins mine on Blitz (eg), but if we consider category '2000 +- 200' tournaments your engine stays out and mine may have the opportunity to beat something. This is the idea that I think gives some interest to owners of weaker engines, because even an engine with 1000 can win some tournament... Other than this I agree with #4: Stockfish or similar win everything, and this does not bring much interest because is completely predictable and leaves out the weaker engines.
Sorry about your thoughts on the BOT accounts, @General_Yummy . I didn't know there was discouragement.

But this could be interesting if let's say the stronger the BOT is, the less time it has on the clock?

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