
Chess960 - Opening Explorer Issue/bug, and a feature request.

The Opening explorer doesn't work for Chess960. Well, Okay, it does work, but only for position 518, you know, standard chess. :)

There needs to be a way to select which of the 960 opening positions you're doing an opening analysis of!

There are 3 ways to do it:

1. Enter the game number, from 000-959.

2. The player visually rearranges the pieces, (useful if the player doesn't know the number)

3. Select the game from a list like seen here, but hopefully with a corresponding image of what the opening looks like

Also Important:
* A way to see which of the 960 opening variations you've played, and some analysis statistics.

* In the analysis board for a chess960 game, a link to something like "Explore this chess960 setup in the opening explorer"

Finally, and this is nearly as important, especially for training for chess960:

#When starting a game, there should be a way to decide beforehand which opening to play. To show a potential opponent that the opening for your game is not randomized, the opening number would be displayed below the dice icon in the game listing.

This is critical for chess960 training, because there are a number of specific openings that create specific tactical situations that don't typically arise in classical chess, but occur frequently in different ways in chess960.

If you agree with this, and would like to see these changes, please reply to this post to keep it visible on the front page of the forum. Good luck guys!
Doesn't being able to study 960 openings and being able to select the initial position of the pieces (i.e. not randomizing them) defeat the whole purpose of 960 though?
I don't think anyone could really "study" it in any meaningful way. I mean, I guess they could probably get really, really good at one or two of them, but what if one of the other 958 come up?

It's just interesting to look at.

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