
greatest compliment you get by your opponent??

I'd prefer if they'd just resigned when all is lost instead of just leaving.
But wp or gg does it for me.
When someone lose badly and leave the game in mid and I have to wait to claim win.
When my opponent accuses me if cheating. Then I have accomplished something unbelievable.
My biggest compliment is when my opponent leaves the game after a long match without saying anything. If they have nothing to say, you have truly defeated them :)
in my opinion if they resign, are checkmated, or are flagged, then you've truly won the game.
that is how you win the game :)
surprised an FM doesn't know how to win in chess, but it's fine :)
@LiamPutnam2008 #14
my biggest compliment is when my oppoent doesnt want to shake my hands after the match bcz it means i destroyed him xP
I resigned and wrote to my opponent 'sorry, mouseslip, wanted to play Qa5xa3+ but it landed on d5' and he wrote 'quite the slip!'

When it happens you play a little series of games, that is kind of a mutual compliment. But a 'thank you, see you'- 'thank you, see you' after a single game is just as fine. Most rewarding moments here. Good there is no 'see you' button, the little effort of typing it makes it a compliment.
My opponent told me after a tournament game once...

Can I become your student?!!

(and I blundered the win in the game and I made a draw luckily)
If your opponent does not write anymore and just watches how you outplay him/her. Also, a few times happened situation that between 5 and 20 players stood around the game and clapped and analyzed after my victory or draw (higher-rated opponent - almost decisive games), in this situation you know why you are playing chess.

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