
"Classical" to be renamed "Rapid", and new genuinely classical category created.

With the success of the lichess4545 and Lonewolf, it might be good to have separate rating categories for classical and rapid. I have noticed at least one player has two accounts to keep these ratings separate.

Maybe the player's rapid rating could be used as a provisional classical rating, in order to avoid any problems in the league with players with no ratings, because the current requirement of 20 classical games would be quite difficult if they were genuinely classical games.
Who wants to play real classic online given the problems of cheating, rage quitting, disconnect... ?
The 180 people playing the 4545 league. Cheating is a problem in this league. I have only played one game against a cheater as far as I know. Disconnection and rage quitting are not problems at all.
The "classical" rating includes games greater than 8 minutes - this is backed up by data (I suppose) that not enough people play longer than this to make it worthwhile to change to a longer time control.

I may not know what I'm talking about lol.. but if any change can be made , at least have it be games > 10 minutes lol

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