
A curious case of cheater

This player is increase his rating ARTIFICIALLY

See all the victorys:

He starts a game and wait the opponent get off to make a move and won the game.
See the rating graph too.

What you guys think about this metod of cheating?
Hmmmm, this is very weird.
Report him because this is not fair for the others players and he does not have any respect for the adversary.
I report.

The thing is, the devs and moderators have to find a way to avoid this way of cheating.
@thibault Could there be a hack going around here ? Perhaps, this is something a kin to a bank hack, where one takes small deposits from various people, hoping no one will notice. Are these one move games played against hacked accounts ?
No, I don't think he hack accounts. It is not easy to hack so many accounts, unless one managed to hack entire Lichess database and got access to passwords. What he is do is hunting for impatient players who leave the game, and trick them claim a win on disconnect. Such games should be aborted automatically, as 1 move game is not real. There is no point keeping such games rated.
This is only borderline cheating. If you forget to abort and leave a game open it's your own fault. I would consider it more of a bug in the rating system. A simple solution would be if the game has less than 2 total moves then ratings are not changed after the result.
Any game under 2 moves should not be rated. And if the game is played by people that actually know how to play chess (at least somewhat) no game should be under 4 moves. Unfortunately scholars mate is a thing. And if they do fall for it they could be sandbagging. Or just terrible.
When I say 2 total moves, I mean per side. So if black has not made a 2nd move no rating change.
I agree it is not a cheating, but exploiting a flaws in the system. If you change the minimum number of moves to 2 it will not change this situation becauase then he will suspend his 2nd move too, and again continue to collect easy wins but this time 2 moves long. Instead, system may have protection against such unfair players if it aborts such games automatically as soon as 1 opponent leave on 1st move, thus not giving a robber chance to claim unfair win.

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