
My Chess career

While i have been a club champion of the small club called Ulverston (birth place of Stan Laurel of Laurel and Hardy fame), my chess successes have been long and far between. In 1995 I was runner up in my county in England equivalent of a state in USA though slightly smaller. I followed it up with a 3rd in an under 2000 fide equivalent tourney. I seemed to be going places but it wasn't until 2012 that I entered a proper international tournament- the Welsh Championships Open and got 4 draws and lost against three superb juniors to finish with 2/7. In 2013 I entered the British Championship Open and got 3/11. 2014 saw me enter the Isle of Man Masters- a top tournament but I got soundly beaten every game to finish with just a bye and eight loses (ie 1/9). 2014 also saw the height of my achievements so far in the super rapidplay London classic top international tournament where i achieved 4/10 with no byes. to put it in perspective ex world number 5 jon speelman only got 7/10.
i recently tried to get in the northumbrian masters but they adjudged me not good enough.
I have beaten vallez poms 3 - 2 in 15 minute chess online, he is a 2700 fide player and i am 1 - 1 with grandmaster keith arkell again online. my best result in a proper rated game is a draw against a 2136 fide rated shami abdulleyev but i haven't played many very strong players. did u beat 2700 online and drew with 2100 over the board?
@o_megalos my chess career makes no sense to me either, to me their was little difference between the 2100 and 2700 infact i would have said the 2100 was stronger, i have a national rating of 1766 fide equivalent and a fide rating of only 1461 and slaughtered 1800 when i first started playing but even though i can beat top dedicated computer boards like mephisto master( which is 2300 rated) I lose against 1200s who look 24 plies ahead. and most of the 1500-1800s i regularly play against catch me out with a complex 8 plies combination.
Can you post here the games where you defeated Vallejo Pons?
no i didn't record them though i have a game i won against yaacov norowitz who had a 3200 rating on icc who used to defeat nakamura regularly at blitz and had a similar rating on icc.
it does nt show on my computer but here is the link:-note it was 5 minute blitz not standard or correspondence like it states.

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