
Site improvement ideas

1. I think that when you look at your most played opponents, there should be a record of your score against them in that list. Furthermore the rating displayed should be the rating from the variant that you've played them the most in, i.e. if I played my buddy in 100 bullet games it should show his bullet rating.

2. Show a breakdown of your W/L/D and % against different rating groups, similar to how the USCF does it, i.e.

3. There should be an indicator for how often people abort seeks. I'm sick of accepting seeks and then people aren't there. People also accept mine and then don't move. Maybe have an option to only let people with abort rates below 20% or something accept seeks.

4. There should be a warning if you accept a draw in a tournament before move 10 that you won't get any points for it. Like when the draw is offered, maybe something in the chat saying "NOTE: If you accept this draw you will not get any points."

5. More gamification? I like little challenges but right now it seems like the only one open is the "Path of Berzerk" which is far too difficult for anyone except the chess brahs.
Actually it seems I'm wrong about the Berzerk trophy and there are currently no open trophies.
Another two ideas:

6. Show your peak non-provisional rating in each category.

7. A ranked list of all the top players in each category, with the inactive names greyed out or something but still included. Could have the top 100 and then allow for server requests to keep extending the list by the next 100 so we can go down and find that we're #988 or whatever
More stats in general would be a shiny addition.
But many can be seen using the advanced search. But, displaying those stats as circular little graphs are often more appealing than text. (I like pie charts. I like pi. Not apple pi. Actually I don't like pi. Just pi charts).


Idea 1: Yes, that would be nice.
Idea 2: Nice idea, ugly table on the link you provided. A (pie) chart would look nicer.
Idea 3: Lichess already has a system that penalizes people who use the abort button way to liberally. No need to publicly shame them too.
Idea 4: If you have to draw at move ten, then whether you lose points or win points is pointless (and getting a popup/warning is pretty annoying).
Idea 5: True. You can also do blindfold chess if you'd like. What would you suggest?
Idea 6: Would be included in the additional stats :)
Idea 7: Already somewhat exists, except the list includes only the top 10 in the category - ... Would be quite a long list though. I think it's easier to get stats on your profile having it just displayed if you ask for it (ex: if you mouseover your Horde rating, it would say "86th").

@heyitsmyipad I think they're already doing that.
Although it would be cool if it could be customized by position. So if I could set up my own sub-variations of the openings I play and see how often I'm seeing those.

@Chess_Agent on idea 4, recently it was the last round of a tournament, I was on a streak and had 25 points, my nearest opponent had 24 and was not on streak, and there were 40 seconds left. I couldn't finish the game in that time, but I agreed to a draw to get 2 points and secure the win. But it ended up giving me 0 points instead. Would've been nice to know.
I like your thought for idea 7.
For idea 5, maybe trophies for 10, 25, 50 game winning streaks? Would have to be in bullet tournaments and against strong opposition. Also maybe winning 3 tournaments back-to-back. I'm thinking of things I would waste an afternoon with my buddies trying.
All credit goes to Lichess' devs :)

Of course, user feedback is necessary for the devs to work... So... All credit goes to everyone :P

I really would like to play moves with typing them. I mean, most of the times i'm playing without mouse, and i have to make the moves with laptop touch pad and if i could type the move and play it, that'll be fantastic. I mean, when i type "e4" or "nf3" to some console and it happens on the board that would be really nice.

Is this a bad idea?

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