
Bullet chess promotes bad habits?

ITT slow players whine and complain about other people having fun.

Fast time controls has always been the basic foundation of online chess. No offense but i don't have enough patience for rapid and long time controls online. Long time controls is for OTB.
As I gradually moved up the rating ranks, I steadily dropped my rapid, then blitz and moved onto bullet chess. Blitz is still probably my go-to, if I wasn't so obsessed with rating :)
Bullet chess is a great way to get into tons of tough positions and learn very quickly. It should be balanced with other game formats though.
bullet chess is just for fun, if you want to improve play longer time controls, i have gained 800 point's by playing 1,500 classical games in 8 months i am now a 1800 in classical
I've played plenty of bullet. I only suggest not sticking to it like I once did because your chess itself won't truly improve. Your time management skills and premoving abilities will get better, but when you sit down to play a long classical game, those skills won't come in handy.
Such ridiculous comments ITT.

My profile shows I had 1500 a year ago or so, played only bullet really, started some blitz recently, and got to 2250 a few days ago in blitz.

Playing quickly doesn’t harm your chess. It’s a lot more complex than that. I can go into that, but basically it doesn’t work the way you guys were taught to believe that it works. Playing quickly can actually help improve as well, especially for slow tactically weak players such as myself.

It’s like with music training, you must practice slowly, but playing quickly doesn’t harm your playing, it’s actually required to gain speed and technique, as long as you don’t do it too much and as long as you make sure to do some slow work to learn and fix your mistakes.

Basic idea is that you can play a bullet or blitz game, then go over it slowly yourself, with a book, and with computer. Then play again, just one game! And work on it. Slowly. Rinse and repeat :)

I started playing bullet just some months ago. In the beginning I lost lots of games with better position because my time went out. So I started to play faster. "I think I can sac my... No time to calculate that, just develop a piece!" Then I won more often, an I realized that I just got the better positions in my first games, because I took more time to think.

Bullet (and Blitz) is good for getting lots of experience with new openings. I analyse all my games and in Bullet I often find improvements. Most of them I would have found during the game, if I had more time to think. Missed tactics are normal in bulllet, but sometimes I learn new ideas or plans. I try to remember these, sometimes I even take notes.

But for improving your overall chess skills, longer time controls are better.

Bullet is also good in situations where you dont have much time to play or you don't know how much time you have (like waiting for the doctor). It's also more difficult to cheat in bullet. That's maybe the reason why masters prefer bullet (and blitz).

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