
Is GM Maurice Ashley a quality player?

The question was if he is a quality player. Any body above 2400 rating is a high quality player that plays astonishing. What is his playing style any body know?
And he was clearly a 2500 player which the graph shows. Which is extremly strong.
I have not posted any disrespect directed towards Ashley. In fact, I said I admired his pursuit ,dedication and hard work to achieve his GM title. I make a "criticism" of his vision to promote chess. I do not agree that offering huge amounts of money to amateur players helps in a positive way at promoting chess. I am not a fan of his style of commentary. I think he lacks a professional quality that journalists posses who learned their trade by schooling. Still, he is an entertaining character, nothing negative about sometimes being controversial.
That said, I have a great deal of respect for the man.
Too sad, those members who "stalk" other members to every topic where an opinion is expressed that differs with their own, only to mock, disagree with and shout insults. Place words in the mouths of others, to be used as an attempt to disgrace. Immature.
It's to be expected. Especially now with all the CC forum "trolls" finding their way here.
@janosopeligroso ...

You created a topic asking a question. Just now answered that the answer is obvious. Interested in other opinions?

His style ? Who can say nowadays as he has not played in competition in 17 years. You can research his bio regarding his style of play in the 90's.
I still think mdinnerspace has the right to have his opinion. And i also found the carlsen interwiev pretty hilarious. And he is obviously not world clas. .. although i would surely lose 10 out of 10 games against him in any time control.
Reykjavik 2012 was his first event since 2003..;

@mdinnerspace you must really have it in for Maurice Ashley, whatever the reason, suggesting a GM can't play a 0/0/0 game.

. I think @Sarg0n has had games with 10 acpl and also games with 0/0/0 correct me if I'm wrong..

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