
Search "user:InfiniteFlash"

268 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - ValueError in Study#2

Yes, I have this error too. Why is this happening?

Lichess Feedback - What games aren't included in the Opening Explorer?#3

@Solal35 Thanks for the explanation. I do like that the developers chose to exclude tons of the lower rated player games. That makes sense.

Lichess Feedback - What games aren't included in the Opening Explorer?#1

B = Billion M = Million On the website,, it shows that 2.5+ B amateur games have been played on lichess. The lichess opening explorer shows 425+ M games being played. Wha…

Lichess Feedback - Personal Opening Explorer#52

> We just rolled out a new experimental feature: a personal opening explorer. > > It lets you browse opening moves of a specific player. Try it out by clicking the settings icon of the opening explore…

Lichess Feedback - Text left of analysis board is neat#10

@ashish95 Okay, fair enough. I guess chat rooms are also inherently not good places to have organized discussions. It'd have to be something similar to what Disqus runs for comment threads here: https…

Lichess Feedback - Text left of analysis board is neat#8

@ashish95 said in #4: > Won't that be too much? Maybe allowing only titled players can be implemented but everyone? That will be too much chaos. Don't you think? The same thing could be said about tou…

Lichess Feedback - Text left of analysis board is neat#1 I like the informational text added to the left side of the board. Kudos to the develop…

Lichess Feedback - Can't see followers on profile#60

@Jay1210 Below "Profile Completion", you can click on "Friends". If you still can't locate the link, try Ctrl+F, "Friends" on your profile homepage. If you still can't locate it, thibault hates you.

General Chess Discussion - why kb is fair.#30

I still don't know what kb is, but I am now against it. The original post is cancerous.

Lichess Feedback - How to shut off Cloud Analysis?#1

Is there some way to shut off lichess's cloud analysis? Every 1 or 2 moves when I have my engine running, my browser's anaylsis stops and is replaced with lichess's cloud analysis (generally on low de…
