
Search "user:rayquaza"

108 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - u1200 and u1000 tournaments#9

Perhaps U 1200 tournament could be organized but that s it, not any lower. There are not that many people under 1000 and those that are should have a good chance against weaker than 1200 players.

General Chess Discussion - Carlsen-Nakamura match about to start (Fischer Random 2018)#4

Since Carlsen is playing we will even have Sesse analysis.

General Chess Discussion - Unoffficial World Fisher Random Championship starts 09 feb 2018#2

I was looking forward to this event and I still am, I hope that Drunkenstein will wipe Nakamura off the board and take away even the last shred of Naka s pride.

General Chess Discussion - It´s estimated he has 40,000 times more intelligence than any other person. Carlsen. What the hell!!#2

You should start researching something more important. Carlsen said he doesn t do IQ tests and chess does not have much to do with intelligence or as Korchnoi put it "I ve met gms who were dumb as a b…

General Chess Discussion - How do you Castle...poll of the century!#7

Real men do it with two hands like Nakamura.

General Chess Discussion - new chess variant with stalemate as win#4

Not really a fan of this idea, If anything I d prefer the shogi version which awards loss to the cowardly player trying to get away with a stalemate.

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)#349

Down Fischer, up Capablanca. Bobby Fischer - 29 Emanuel Lasker - 23 Paul Morphy - 26 Wilhelm Steinitz - 16 José Capablanca - 41 Anatoly Karpov - 3 Garry Kasparov - 18 Mikhail Tal - 6 Viswanathan Anand…

General Chess Discussion - Time hacks?#2

Can you specify which game it was? Lichess has a feature thanks to which you see exact clock times so you can check it out.

Lichess Feedback - I have a suggestion to make: Let's introduce Vote Chess!#2

That s not a bad idea, but I d prefer If the "voting" could only be done by members of one team, then we could finally have team matches.

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Players (relative to their peers)#340

Up Capablanca, down Fischer. Bobby Fischer - 29 Emanuel Lasker - 23 Paul Morphy - 26 Wilhelm Steinitz - 16 José Capablanca - 39 Anatoly Karpov - 6 Garry Kasparov - 18 Mikhail Tal - 8 Viswanathan Anand…
