
Search "user:Darth_Stapler"

50 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How many possible moves are there in algebraic notation?#3

I'm not sure that works, because some of the moves your count covers are illegal, for example R4d4 wouldn't be legal because if a rook on the fourth rank could move to d4, then another rook that could…

General Chess Discussion - How many possible moves are there in algebraic notation?#1

I've been wondering about this for a while. How many distinct legal moves can be written in algebraic notation? For the purposes of this thought experiment, en passant captures and double checks won't…

Game analysis - Something sort of clever that I did in a blitz game#1

I was playing anonymously, and this was blitz, so I probably made a lot of mistakes, but I thought my move 36 was pretty neat. I had about 50 seconds left on the clock when I saw the idea (I actually …

General Chess Discussion - Useful way of thinking#1

I just figured I'd mention this because, even though it sounds incredibly simple, it can be extremely helpful. If you're not sure what to do, a good two-step process is: 1. Figure out where you would …

Game analysis - Cool combination I played#1

Was just playing anonymously and I thought this was cool when I did it

General Chess Discussion - What is your best chess game?#32

My favorite is from almost 2 decades ago and I still have it memorized. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 e6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bc4 Nf6 7. Bb3 Qb6 8. Be3 Bb4 9. Nxe6 Bxc3+ 10. bxc3 Qa5 11. Nxg7+ ("ooh,…

General Chess Discussion - Dirty tricks to watch out for#1

There are ways to cheat in chess without using engines. Some of them only work over the board. For example, there was a hustler I knew who used to like to place a piece or pawn right on the border bet…

Lichess Feedback - What's with super high rated untitled players?#1

There are a lot of players here that are rated 2700+ and routinely play against and beat GMs, yet have no titles. Are these just alt accounts of titled players who want to play anonymously, or are the…

Game analysis - What is your prettiest checkmate?#27

An OTB game I played many years ago:

General Chess Discussion - Bad behavior seen when playing anonymously#1

Sometimes I don't like to log in, just play as an anonymous guest. It's less stressful, I don't have to worry about my rating, I don't add more games to my list that have to be analyzed later, etc. Bu…
