
Search "user:ciembor"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#58

Sorry to everyone for this topic (and starting a shitstorm :D). I was playing just after the deploy of new version and probably not all styles were loaded. It looked very bad. After this I cleaned the…

Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#1

The chessboard is not centered in my screenview, it's terrible experience. It's also relatively smaller to the timer, this is distracting. Everything looks like it's in a random place, it was much mor…

Lichess Feedback - Training on your own mistakes#1

Is it possible to search for all situations in which you made a blunder and train using them? If not, it woul be great feature to do :).

Game analysis - Live game analysys#1

Is there any tool that inform me about my blunders, mistakes, inaccuracies and suggests move during the game (may be with computer)? It would be easier to learn than reading analysys after the game.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess rank corelation with OTB / ranks#1

Hello, I'm looking for some book about chess and on the internet I found some books suggested for OTB or ranks. I'm not sure how lichess rank correlates with those. Do you have any experienc…

General Chess Discussion - Ranking System#9

+1 for ranking

Lichess Feedback - Position in ranking#1

Is it possible to check my position in a ranking? I would like to know how many players are better than me and how many are worse.
