
Search "user:dorhinj1"

72 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Scid users - what is the "rating" field of a chess game?#1

I've just started using Scid, and there is a field in the game data called "rating." It doesn't mean Elo, since that is a separate field. It takes the values 0, 1, 2 and 40. Anyone know what this is?

General Chess Discussion - Provisional Rating??#1

Why does german11 have a provisional bullet rating when they've played 127870 rated games of bullet?

Game analysis - Why this game is not drawn#14

Even that becomes complicated. Say you run out of time in a position down a piece. The only way for you to win would be through a losing line, since you are losing. However, it doesn't mean that it is…

Game analysis - Why this game is not drawn#7

What would your criteria be for calling it a draw? There has to be a rigorous rule about this and no sequence of legal moves leading to checkmate is far more rigorous than it is very easy to avoid che…

General Chess Discussion - Italian / Prussian / Traxler - Literature ?#14

The theory for the Traxler can differ from computer analysis. For example after 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. Ng5 Bc5 5. Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6. Kf1 Qe7 7. Nxh8 d5 8. exd5 Nd4 Stockfish initially recommends…

General Chess Discussion - Why do some players do so well against high rated players and struggle against weaker one#11

This graph suggests you do in fact do better than the rating formula predicts against stronger players. I have the same in blitz.…

General Chess Discussion - Engine training#12

FICS and ICC allow you to create computer accounts.

General Chess Discussion - chess poem, where is it?#2

Look through your internet history?

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Ruy Lopez more popular than the Italian game?#7

Thanks Iceman1point1 and Alex_1987. Both provided an excellent explanation of this.

General Chess Discussion - Why is the Ruy Lopez more popular than the Italian game?#1

In the closed Ruy Lopez game the light squared bishop usually ends up on the a2-g8 diagonal anyway. Why not put it there straight away by playing 3. Bc4 Is it because a6 and b5 is a weakness for black…
