
Search "user:gabrr82"

158 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do you visualise chess positions?#38

I have M first and then V. Like, I play the moves in my head and achieve a certain position. This position turns into V, but a kind of "blurry V", since I'm not that good. So there are a lot of mistak…

General Chess Discussion - How to I persuade my ignorant friend that Lichess is superior to

Chesscom tries to make new players feel good about themselves, marking basically any obvious move as a "brilliant". I've seen some obvious moves like basic rook skewers shown as "brilliant", lots of p…

General Chess Discussion - Is it legal to do funny checkmates in OTB tournaments?#8

It is definetely bad etiquette, but not illegal at all.

General Chess Discussion - i beat a 2036 in rapid I got super lucky but I think I layed okay#8

Well done! You will beat other players like that, until you become one of them. Very good mate.

General Chess Discussion - Chess Engines that plays more human like.#8

Why not just play against... humans? It is a way to practice it too.

General Chess Discussion - I am so bad at Blitz#2

Lol, same thing here, but I got better at Blitz after I started to mess with some weird positions (like, trying fianchettos and all that kind of stuff).

Lichess Feedback - Allowing for taking the king - feature suggestion#14

Tell your daughter, "we are only teaching the king a lesson, so he could be a better person next time. We don't need to kill him". She will understand.

Lichess Feedback - Lichess cannot force anyone to give up#46

@SilvioHoffmann Seria interessante o Lichess deixar os critérios mais claros realmente. Para muitos jogadores aqui, há um entendimento precário do que é o tempo (relógio de xadrez). É um recurso que d…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess cannot force anyone to give up#32

Me parece que o Lichess usa outros critérios além do tempo. O problema é que muita gente tava abusando disso, o cara simplesmente larga o jogo e tchau. Aí você tem que esperar o relógio correr, enquan…

General Chess Discussion - Do you ever think that your intellectual energy should be put to better use?#13

