
stafford gambit traps and petroff's defence

65 • STOGSAdhar27 •
  1. russian game first moves
  2. interactive one
  3. petroffs defence french attack
  4. interactive two
  1. GuruRaj123
  2. STOGSAdhar27

stockfish engine game

1 • STOGSAdhar27 •
  1. game one
  2. game two
  3. game three
  1. STOGSAdhar27

kings, queens and englund gambit

3 • STOGSAdhar27 •
  1. kings gambit first moves
  2. kings gambit declined trap
  3. Chapter 3
  1. STOGSAdhar27

french defense

3 • STOGSAdhar27 •
  1. french defense first moves
  2. french defense: winawer variation
  1. STOGSVShah
  2. STOGSAdhar27

the Sicilian defence

3 • STOGSAdhar27 •
  1. the sicilan first two moves
  2. The Sicilian open variation
  3. the sicilian closed variation
  4. sicilian defence: smith morra gambit
  1. GuruRaj123
  2. STOGSVShah
  3. STOGSAdhar27