

4 members

This a team for sunday tournaments, which you can join :)

Hi All,

We are coming up with a new format for the team EVENT in the upcoming weekend.

  1. Player1 Lichess ID / Name
  2. Player2 Lichess ID / Name
  3. Player3 Lichess ID / Name
  4. Player4 Lichess ID / Name
  5. Player5 Lichess ID / Name (Optional)

Terms and Condition

  1. Player 1 - Any Rating
  2. Player 2 - less than < 1750
  3. Player 3 - less than < 1500
  4. Player 4 - less than < 1250
  5. Player 5 - less than < 1250 (Optional)
    6)A team should have atleast one woman player.


The player should be part of the “quick chess” group in
One player can't be part of two teams.
Your highest rating will be considered that you have during the month of Sept.
New account created after 15th Sept will be considered as player1 irrespective of the rating.
You can have only one foreign player in the team. That means who is not part of the academy at present but part of the quick chess group. He can be either a coach or a student.
Please click here to register online. Submit the Player Names / IDs for you team.
Standard Fair play rules applied. If we suspect any Cheating such as using a bot or other type of resource then that player will be suspended from the team.


QCFY - 137 Team Battle5+5 • Rapid • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 19 teams
QCFY - 118 Team Battle5+5 • Rapid • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 23 teams
QCFY - 100 Team Battle5+5 • Rapid • Rated • 1h 30mBattle of 22 teams