
Flagging is not a crime?

To flag is the most beautiful art in online chess and through blitz matches. Over the board it is hard to flag someone -according to FIDE most common time controls-, but it is also possible.

Flagging is an essential part of bullet and hyperbullet, and, more than a crime, it is miracle "in times of need".

Though even high raited players do this, never truly accept this type of game "whose hands are faster". Too unnatural for game of brains. Pure patterning and hands, no brain, no thoughts.
It's not art at all, yet if you play +0 you probably must be prepared to think all game, end up with much better position but equal seconds on clock and to loose to some mad clicking.
It's probably more complicated, there is learning, association, ability to deassociate, flexibility and crazy amount of things. But anyway it's not even thinking, it's when people loose during game and try to win using fast clicking. Problem is when you win on board, it's pure efforts and usually huge difference, but after click game it could be 60 seconds vs 59, which doesn't really make difference in compare to let's say additional queen. Yet fastclicking wins here.
Well, i agree with you that games won on time should not be rewarded with points. Same for draws. Only catching the King should be rewarded.
If one refuses to keep playing in a lost position, and lets his time run out, the opp can request to finish this game with the moves for his opp being random generated moves.

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