
Another thread about random insults.

Thank you for advice, but I believe that in many to most cases those report forms are useless,since often even reporting a cheater does nothing (usually when cheating is not super obvious, like cheating only every second game, playing with engine only till piece up etc.), this is not a paid site, I understand that mods can't spend a lot of their time on those reports.
The same goes with insults, for example in certain scenarios calling someone 'an idiot' is only a mild insult, and perhaps in a friendly context almost no insult at all, while in some contexts it can be incredibly insulting, like as I have seen sometimes when you blunder you are being called an idiot (and if you don't believe that's insulting, then wait till you play with one of those guys).
Actually as I have seen in most cases those insults don't use strongest words, but most insulting words, emoticons, memes etc. for that particular context. Though I haven't yet tried reporting anyone for insults, I really don't believe this will work, it would require understanding the context, evaluating the particular situation, taking records for each individual, since everyone might snap once in a while, but those guys do it on purpose, regularly and without any provocation whatsoever - they enjoy insulting their opponent.
this hapens all the time to me to usaully i'm a lucky pusher
Hehe -this site is becoming self aware - There was a toe rag that recently tried to get rise out of the community for having racist comments and it was replied with utter silence.
I still think all Americas are stupid, but hey they were born there - it's not their fault :D
i am still chuckling !!!!!!!!!!! Brother chunky you can kiss my red white & blue hiney... Let's be creative and resurrect (ftr -- for the record -- I can't spell to save my life but SOME Americans like me have actually read books) some Monty Python smack.

Three cheers for UTTER SILENCE!! I believe that is one of the best ways of handling the fascist, label-slinging, thought police (other than a cigaret lighter and aerosal)
I think one reason that help insult trolls to thrive here is that in-game chat is visible only between the two players both real-time and later. I think it might not have been always the case, though I might be wrong.
Insult trolls are much less interested in PM bullying, since they don't know when the message will be received, and it is much less likely they will get any response that way. Also I believe some due it on purpose to try to distract their opponent and gain easy points afterwards though I am fairly sure it is only a certain fraction of them - i.e. others raise their 'self-esteem' or simply like to insult and bully others due to lack of morals/conscience and inner aggression coupled with even some probable evolutionary strategy of trying to bring down everyone that isn't a direct advantage to them.
Sorry for the long overly-scientific post but I find this subject interesting and worth investigation.
This isn't a dating site, and any confidential messages can be delivered via PM system, I really don't know why chat is visible only between players, it would help much without any cost to mods in fighting trolls if it were visible to everyone both real-time and even somewhat more importantly - when reviewing a game (since I believe most insult trolls don't want to be too open about their character).
however they idea of 'open chat' has its pros and cons - one con might be that sometimes it might be necessary to answer an unprovoked insult with strong words (as I admit I sometimes do) - and the positive side being in that for those insult trolls who somehow 'raise their self-esteem' by insulting others, a counter-insult might curb their wish to continue their predatory behavior, however not against all trolls, some just don't really have any genuine feelings, so they can't be offended in any way
given an open chat some people might view your counter-insult as if you are a bad person too, while in reality it is no worse that replaying physical attack with counter-physical attack rather than just letting you get beaten

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