
Sleep paralysis

It's basically being half-awake, you are fully conscious but your body cannot move.

I had this happen about 4 times in my life so far. The last time was last night. Last night, I heard/hallucinated a water splashing noise, and that noise echoed louder and bombarded in my ear BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM, like gunshots. Could not move my body at all. In past paralysis', I was halfway dreaming when the dream became a still image as the sleep-paralysis interrupted. And now I'm scared to sleep and stuff :( The only time where I'm comfortable sleeping is at school/places with other people. Hopefully tonight I won't get it haha.
@Chigerleck said in #1:
> It's basically being half-awake, you are fully conscious but your body cannot move.
> I had this happen about 4 times in my life so far. The last time was last night. Last night, I heard/hallucinated a water splashing noise, and that noise echoed louder and bombarded in my ear BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM, like gunshots. Could not move my body at all. In past paralysis', I was halfway dreaming when the dream became a still image as the sleep-paralysis interrupted. And now I'm scared to sleep and stuff :( The only time where I'm comfortable sleeping is at school/places with other people. Hopefully tonight I won't get it haha.
It had happened with me thrice, though not as much as you it was horrible. You want to move but u can't. It was minor with me as I was sleeping most of the time, but it was... I hope u understand.
Change your sleep position for a while or sleep in the couch...some people/culture believe in an entity
Sleep paralysis can be quite scary and stressful, but at least it's not dangerous.

I know that some people say, that if you wake up from a dream, then go back to sleep and wish to continue the same dream, you should use the same sleeping positions as before, and if you do not want to go back to the same dream, say you want to make sure you don't fall back into a nightmare, you should change your sleeping position.

I have found this to work for me too.

So what you could do is, you could try to sleep in a different position from the one you normally prefer, the one you used when you experienced sleep paralysis. If you normally sleep flat on your back, try to sleep on you side, for example. There is a good chance it will reduce the likelihood of experiencing sleep paralysis again.
I had this happen once. Pretty scary even though I knew I was dreaming.I had the Old Hag dream.Some cultures have ascribed this to the visitation of a succubus.
Sleep paralysis can be very dangerous to a person if suffering from chronic cardiac failures. I've only heard many times that people (young or old) die during sleep. A neighbour of mine died with the age of 30. The person was healthy and had no known illnesses whatsoever, one morning they found him dead. This is only one example from the many similar cases that I've heard; and to those people the cause of death remained inexplicable. You will never know if during the attack the person can even suffer from acute cardiac arrest. Under my experience I became so much fear and my heart raged very fast that I hardly could breath.
If this is happening frequently to you: you can try to train yourself in trying to control your breathing, and not to react in panic during the attack.
Approx. 10 years ago, I undergone similar experience. I'm just greatful I haven't had this since years now. During the attacks, it seemed to me I wasn't asleep; I have been sleeping, but I was going to wake up. It was just that I couldn't open my eyes or move any parts of my body. The scary part was when I hear a person opening the door of my room, and I could also feel the how the bed moved as he sat beside me in my bed. As if I could feel that the force came from the person, he had some kind of power to bind me. I'm someone who believes in God so I could say a short prayer calling God's name for help, only then I could slowly start opening my eyes. I wanted to see the person who was sitting in my bed but he's disappeard. Other times I hear children running down the hallway of the house. But like I've said, I haven't experience this for a while anymore. I just hope the experience won't happen again - I hope for you that you won't experience sleep paralysis again.
I remember encountering sleep paralysis quite a number of times but not often. Last I had it was around couple or months back.
The best is to improve sleep cycle and get healthy sleep which will reduce such sleep paralysis cases.
@ MrPushwood said in #7:
> Then there's the lucid dream (another strange experience).
Lucid dreaming is kinda cool when we think about it, anything you think about will happen (in the dream obviously).
Be sure to not think about scary thing

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