
Search "user:rayquaza"

108 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - GM Andrew Tang vs Leela Chess Zero#8

Leela just crushed Fruit 2.1 on TCEC, so I guess it is pretty strong right now.

General Chess Discussion - Deathmatch: GM Tang - FM Rozman#14

Another titled arena would be more interesting.

Game analysis - Would you sac here ?#4

Nope, I would most likely play Nxf5 here

General Chess Discussion - Kramnik Triumphant in Round 3 of the Candidates#7

Caruana is the most entertaining to watch and appears to be in very good form, both him and Mamedyarov have the right idea: It s important to fight, more decisive games means greater chance to qualify…

Game analysis - Was there any chance of me winning this game?#6

Rf5 looks like easy win.

General Chess Discussion - My Chess career#5

Can you post here the games where you defeated Vallejo Pons?

Lichess Feedback - Awful threats and language in chat? Is that OK?#8

The way I see it he didn t say anything that offensive except the a. word and he didn t "threaten" you with rape. I believe there was a certain GM on lichess that threatened Lance with physical liquid…

Lichess Feedback - New game mode suggestion: 2 vs. 2 regular chess#2

Yes this would be interesting, and there could also be tag tournaments limited with rating like U 1800 where the combined rating of the two players would have to be under 3600 or 4000 for under 2000 t…

Game analysis - What to play?#12

@tpr Well my original plan was to play c5 after c4 at some point when I would think I can gain something from it. And If I really wanted my bishop at d1 I would certainly not play Bb1 but Bb3 (After a…

Game analysis - What to play?#7

I would play c4 to prevent bishop exchange and d5 and then push g4.
