
chess etiquette- rematches

Again, "I do not think this will change, I know that I'll have to live with that if I intend to keep playing online, but I just thought you could reflect a little bit about this issue.... I could breathe and try not to take it personally, yes, but YOU could be as polite as you could as well. Good game, thanks, Can't rematch right now but thanks. Would it hurt to spend 5 seconds writing this? "

I'm not being naive thinking that people will follow this "rule", just being naive thinking that people that read this could reflect about their own behavior sometimes. This is not only my problem, apparently "there are countless of other topics about it", so it seems I'm not the only one. And you clearly are not the only one thinking the way you do...

If there was a feature to play only with people that are going to rematch you, I would not be here speaking about it...
"just being naive thinking that people that read this could reflect about their own behavior sometimes"

You mean that there are something wrong with their behaviour, but isn't.It's only wrong in your head.

I want that all my rivals play naked and wearing just a bow tie. But it's my problem but not the problem of the rest of the world. I can open dozens of post arguing about it if I want but all of them will be pointless. And doesn't matter if I'm the only one who think in that way or we are millions. It's pointless.
This has nothing to do with your sexual fantasies Dilinnus. It doesn't matter if it's pointless, I wanted to talk about it so I did it. Why are you bothered with it?
Actually I'm talking about it, just I am not saying what you want to hear. You want someone who defend your opinion and don't think that it's ridiculous, but sadly it's ridiculous.

You brought all the negative reaction upon yourself with the original post. Several times you called those who do not give a rematch "cowards." No one expects a discussion will take place when the OP begins by insults and name calling those he disagree with.

You're scenarios of club play, face to face just don't cut it. This feeling of entitlement, that you are owed a rematch is common. If you were really interested in a discussion, you'd be trying to understand your assumption, which is not shared by the vast majority of players. Instead you shout an insult "cowards" and make claims of unsportsmanlike behavior.

I seriously doubt this response will make any sense to you, but might to new players tuning in. They too, may think there is written in a book somewhere "Chess etiquette"... rematches are mandatory. This is simply a misguided viewpoint. Your main argument hinged on club play, OTB, which was shown to be faulty, as rematches in skittles play are not given with players waiting.

I never rematch upon request at the end of a game. No need to give my reasons. Plenty of valid ones have been made. Even silly reasons will do. A rematch is not an entitlement.
HAHAHA @novaodessa . People will argue that they were sending a message and you are not waiting. Gotcha. We played some games and you sent a rematch offer and you did not wait for me in the chat room for a mere 5 SECONDS. HAHAHA
Ettiquette is not something you are forced to do, it's an unwritten rule that if people follow, it would be nicer for everybody. You know about your reasons. I should have not used the word cowards, I apologize.
In club play, a player waiting might play next, but when it's the turn of the player you won to play again, you are going to rematch. Or are you going to deny rematch and ask to play a player you did not play before?
Your post is full of assumptions that not everyone shares. I'm not sure how much clearer people can be.

"an unwritten rule that if people follow, it would be nicer for everybody."

Not everybody agrees with you that it would be nicer for everybody. This is an assumption you have made that is incorrect.

"when it's the turn of the player you won to play again, you are going to rematch."

This is another assumption you have made which is incorrect.

"are you going to deny rematch and ask to play a player you did not play before?"

Yes, or possibly just analyze the previous game by myself if my opponent is not willing to. You assumed most people would say no to your question here. This is another incorrect assumption you have made.

Your entire problem is that have made many assumptions that are just not correct. You assume that people must want the same things you want. It's not true. Please learn this now. It cannot possibly be made more clear to you.
Chessbaazier, nothing as being childish together. Apparently you like rematches too when you lose. :)
Phillip, if you are on a chessclub with several people wainting to play, you are not going to analyse every blitz game with the players you beat. People just play with whoever sit. What is your deffinition of ettiquete then?
Let's look at dictionary definition: "the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group."
Yes, I'm questioning about something that is not obviously shared by everybody, I'm aware about it.

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