
Search "user:playerok"

35 forum posts
Game analysis - thanks for support cheaters#6

looks normal to me, trying to simplify when an exchange up.(an engine will always complicate the matter)

General Chess Discussion - AlphaZero renews chess!!#7

#5 Does it mean that stockfish calculate much more than a 2500 rated engine?I am not sure on that

General Chess Discussion - the sadist type of player#9

If someone doesn't want to win on time or think the opponent may lose as he is lagging, to make the game somewhat fair.

General Chess Discussion - Should berserking be removed from classical tournaments?#11

yes, unfair advantage for the berserk points, which forces the players to play speed chess.

General Chess Discussion - Add Grand Chess not Seirawan Chess#13

+1 for Seirawan Chess.!

General Chess Discussion - Endgame Trainning on Lichess#5

General Chess Discussion - Adding Rapid and Slow rating categories. - Please vote !#67

In my previous post I did not support a new rating pool but today after waiting over 5 minutes for a 15'15" game I started thinking a new rating range may inspire more people to play longer games, so …

General Chess Discussion - Adding Rapid and Slow rating categories. - Please vote !#40

I think the 'classical' name is lichess property and it attractive to the new player's more than the 'rapid' or 'standard' name.I would like if other people think about that.Besides that more rating c…

General Chess Discussion - motivation#4

Watch some master games online that is currently being played.Try to understand them and then look for the annotation if possible.That works for me.

General Chess Discussion - Opening training on lichess?#17

yeah it was so fun.Some people hated it but they had the option to not use it.
